"Georgia Library Spotlight: Library Fest at UGA’s Law Library" by Anne Burnett, Marie Mize et al.

This article was originally published as the Georgia Library Spotlight feature on the Georgia Library Association's website on September 19, 2019. It was later published as part of the Georgia Library Quarterly's Fall Issue (Volume 56, Issue 4): https://gla.georgialibraries.org/ugalawlibrary/


This fall the Alexander Campbell King Law Library at the University of Georgia turned library orientation for incoming students into a Fest, and opened the event up to the entire law school community. The idea for a fest was a collaborative one, with examples from other library orientation programs as well as UGA’s staff resource fair, our experiences at conferences like CALICon, and even a AALL poster session contributing to the final event design and deployment. How did we get here? This article summarizes the team effort and the outcome.

Georgia Library Spotlight is a regular feature managed and hosted by the Georgia Library Association to highlight success and interesting programming from libraries across the state. Georgia Library Quarterly is the official journal of the Georgia Library Association.

ugalaw_spotlight.jpg (274 kB)
GLA Website Homepage screen capture
