"The Flavor of Open Access Over Rice: Tech Transforms & Transmutes Ed" by Rachel S. Evans

This post was published by the CS-SIS blog on November 13, 2019 as part of the Computing Services Special Interest Section of AALL: http://blog.cssis.org/2019/11/13/the-flavor-of-open-access-over-rice-tech-transforms-transmutes-ed/


Rachel Evans crafts a short history of Open Educational Resources and provides a list of tools and other sites for exploring and creating Open Access Textbooks and other materials. The post also recounts a recent Open Access event at UGA Law Library and compares the perils of generationally divided views on access to quality yet affordable education to the clash of tradition and modernity in a particular film The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice. To close the piece she encourages members to participate in the recently shared ALL-SIS (Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section) survey about Open Educational Resources in legal academia.

The CS-SIS Blog Committee is charged with providing CS-SIS members with timely and useful information through an official yet informal medium about relevant subjects for the membership, including the activities of the members, committees, and Executive Board.
