"Born-Digital Preservation: The Art of Archiving Photos With Script and" by Rachel S. Evans, Leslie Grove et al.

Published in Computers in Libraries, 40:5 (July/August 2020): 23-27. Available to read free online.


With our IT department preparing to upgrade the University of Georgia’s Alexander Campbell King Law Library (UGA Law Library) website from Drupal 7 to 8 this fall, a web developer, an archivist, and a librarian teamed up a year ago to make plans for preserving thousands of born-digital images. We wanted to harvest photographs housed only in web-based photo galleries on the law school website and import them into our repository’s collection. The problem? There were five types of online photo galleries, and our current repository did not include appropriate categories for all of the photographs. The solution? Expand our archives photo series structure in Digital Commons, write and run scripts to automate the gathering of image file URLs and basic metadata, and then clean up the spreadsheets to batch load it all into the collection.
