"The Georgia Advocate Placement Edition" by University of Georgia School of Law


This placement directory introduces the 1976 graduating class of the University of Georgia School of Law. We are proud of all these graduates who are prepared to assume responsible positions in the legal community.

The present senior class entered the Georgia Law School in the fall of 1973 with an average undergraduate grade point average of 3.25 and an average Law School Admission Test score of 615. The 217 third-year students were selected for Law School admission from among 1,565 applicants.

As you can see, the 1976 graduate was well qualified when he or she entered the J.D. degree program, and the completion of three years of comprehensive studies has confirmed our confidence in each graduate's ability to succeed in some field of the law. This comprehensive program of study includes a carefully planned and executed curriculum, instruction under legal educators who are nationally-known for competence in their specialties and opportunities to participate in clinical programs of prosecution and legal aid, legal writing for publication and trial preparation.

We welcome your inquiries about our placement program, encourage you to post your employment needs with us, and invite you to visit the University of Georgia campus and make use of our interview facilities at the Law School.

Neill H. Alford, Jr.


Gwen Y. Wood

Director of Placement
