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Event Date
Commencement on May 17, 1986 took place in the President's Club Garden at 11:00 a.m. for the University of Georgia School of Law 1985-1986 Graduates.
From the Advocate Fall 1986 issue (Vol. 22, No. 1), an article titled "Rusk at Commencement '86" (pages 3-5):
- "Former United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk joined the Georgia law f acuity in 1970 as Samuel H. Sibley Professor of Law. On May 17 he delivered the following address to the 1986 graduates of the School of Law and others assembled on historic North Campus for commencement exercises. In introducing his remarks he said, "When I was studying law at Berkeley before World War II, it was my fondest hope to become a professor of international law, and after a thirty-year detour, I finally made it.""
The program notes the following schedule of speakers:
- Welcome - David G. Perryman, Class of 1986
- Remarks - L. Clifford Adams, Tenth District Representative, Law School Association Council
- Introduction of Speaker - Rita A. Capitan, Vice-President, Class of 1986
- Address - Dean Rusk, Samuel H. Sibley Professor of International Law
- Remarks - J. Ralph Beaird, Dean, School of Law
- Conferring of Degrees - Fred C. Davison, President, The University of Georgia
- Honorary Marshall - C. Ronald Ellington, Thomas R.R. Cobb Professor of Law
- Honorary Marshall - Julian B. McDonnell, J Alton Hosch Professor of Law
- Recessional
Streaming Media
Repository Citation
Rusk, Dean, "Class of 1986 Commencement" (1986). Graduation Addresses. 24.
grad1986_program.pdf (1559 kB)
Commencement program
1986_Fall_Advocate_RuskGradAddress.pdf (801 kB)
Advocate article on Rusk's Address
Commencement program
1986_Fall_Advocate_RuskGradAddress.pdf (801 kB)
Advocate article on Rusk's Address
The main file attachment is an MP3 digitized recording of Dean Rusk's commencement speech. The duration is 42 minutes 22 seconds.
A 3 page Advocate article attached from the Fall 1986 issue summarizes Dean Rusk's address and includes photographs.
The program attached to this record as an additional PDF file lists the names of all Spring Semester, Fall Semester, and Summer Semester Juris Doctor graduates for 1985 and 1986.