Class of 2011 Commencement

Event Date



Kasim Reed, the mayor of Atlanta, delivered the keynote address at the University of Georgia School of Law's commencement on May 21. The processional began at 10 a.m. on the quadrangle in front of the law school on UGA's North Campus.

Reed was inaugurated as the City of Atlanta's 59th mayor on Jan. 4, 2010. Since taking office, he has worked to improve public safety, create new opportunities for Atlanta's youth, restore fiscal stability and provide better customer service to residents.

Prior to his election, Reed served for 11 years as a member of the Georgia General Assembly. He was first elected in 1998 as a state representative and served two terms. From 2002 to 2009, he served in the Georgia State Senate, where he was vice chairman of the Senate Democratic Caucus.

Reed is chairman of the Transportation and Communications Committee of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and chairman of the Regional Transit Committee of the Atlanta Regional Commission. He is also a former board member of both the National Black Arts Festival and Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund.

Reed earned his Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor degrees from Howard University. Prior to becoming mayor, he was a partner at Holland & Knight in Atlanta.

At this year's commencement, approximately 220 students were honored for the completion of all requirements for a Juris Doctor. Additionally, 13 Master of Laws candidates, who have completed one year of graduate legal study, were recognized.

Streaming Media

grad2011_program.pdf (539 kB)
Graduation program
