A recording of this speech from the University of Georgia Law Library archival collection was digitally preserved from audio cassette tape to digital in 2023 and made publicly available in 2024. Digitization, metadata creation, and increased discoverability of this record was made possible thanks to a grant from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council. The primary streaming MP3 is attached as the main item, and below related documents are attached as additional items.


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Event Date



Law Day luncheon address delivered by William B. Spann, Jr., President, American Bar Association and partner at Alston, Miller & Gaines, Atlanta, Ga. Distinguished Service Scroll presented to Charles Kirbo, James Curtis, and Kenneth Henson.

A full summary of this event was published in the Advocate Magazine Volume 14, Issue 3, Fall 1978 on page 6: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/advocate/vol14/iss3/1/

Streaming Media

law_day78_program.pdf (193 kB)
Law Day program
