Event Date
This lecture, originally recorded to audio cassette, took place on January 26, 1981 at 4:00 p.m. in the law auditorium at the University of Georgia School of Law.
The following is an excerpt from the printed program distributed to those in attendance at this 1981 lecture delivered by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It serves as a summary of her accomplishments through that date:
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg was confirmed by the United States Senate on June 18, 1980 as Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
Her appointment followed 20 years of teaching and research in the fields of comparative law, civil procedure, conflict of laws, constitutional law, federal jurisdiction, and gender-based discrimination.
Her most recent faculty tenure was eight years as professor of law at Columbia University. She taught at Rutgers University (Newark) from 1963 to 1972.
Judge Ginsburg earned the LL.B. degree at Columbia Law School in 1959 where she was a member of the Law Review staff. She had previously attended Harvard where she was also on the Law Review board. Her undergraduate degree is from Cornell University. Judge Ginsburg was awarded an honorary LL.D. degree in 1969 from Lund University in Sweden.
She has written two volumes on Swedish law, Civil Procedure in Sweden (with Bruzelius, 1965) and Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure (with Bruzelius, 1968). She is the author of Text, Cases and Materials on Sex-Based Discrimination (with Kay analDavidson, T974 and supplement, 1978).
Judge Ginsburg is a member of the American Law Institute and she serves on its Council. She was vice-president of the Society on American Law Teachers and member of the Board of Editors of the American Bar Association Journal.
She serves on the executive committee of the American Bar Foundation and as a council member of the ABA Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities. She was on the executive committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
In addition to her seven books and monographs, she has published 35 articles. Judge Ginsburg has been not only a scholar of the law, but also has influenced its direction, arguing numerous landmark cases on gender-based discrimination before the United States Supreme Court."
A full summary of this event was published in the Advocate Magazine Volume 17, Issue 1, Spring 1981 on page 18: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/advocate/vol17/iss1/1/
Streaming Media
Repository Citation
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, "Inviting Judicial Activism: A 'Liberal' or 'Conservative' Technique" (1981). Sibley Lecture Series. 45.
A recording of this speech from the University of Georgia Law Library archival collection was digitally preserved from audio cassette tape to digital in 2023 and made publicly available in 2024. Digitization, metadata creation, and increased discoverability of this record was made possible thanks to a grant from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council. The primary archival object is a digitized audio cassette recording of Ginsburg's speech.