Event Date
Kenneth L. Karst, a prolific author in the field of constitutional law, gave the fall quarter Sibley Law Lecture October 28.The UCLA law professor addressed the topic "Why Equality Matters" in his lecture, which was the 56th in the John A. Sibley Lecture Series.
A full summary of this event was published in the Advocate Magazine Volume 19, Issue 1, Spring 1983 on page 2: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/advocate/vol19/iss1/1/
Repository Citation
Karst, Kenneth L., "Why Equality Matters" (1982). Sibley Lecture Series. 48.
A recording of this speech from the University of Georgia Law Library archival collection was digitally preserved from audio cassette tape to digital in 2023 and made publicly available in 2024. Digitization, metadata creation, and increased discoverability of this record was made possible thanks to a grant from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council. The primary archival object is a digitized audio cassette recording of Karst's speech.