"Cruzan & The Right to Die Symposium (Part 5)" by John A. Robertson and Yale Kamisar

Cruzan & The Right to Die Symposium (Part 5)

Event Date



Welcome - Professor C. Ronald Ellington

Introductions - Professor Thomas Eaton

Session 1 - Legal Issues

Professor John A. Robertson, University of Texas - "Cruzan and the Constitutional Status of Proxy Decisions for Incompetent Patients"
Professor Yale Kamisar, University of Michigan - Response to Professor Robertson
Professor Edward Larson, University of Georgia - Non-Constitutional Issues

Session 2 - Medical Issues

Dr. Gregory L. Eastwood, Medical College of Georgia
Dr. Ronald Cranford, American Society of Law and Medicine
Dr. Mark Seigler, Center for Clinical Medical Ethics, University of Chicago
Dr. Thomas Swift, Medical College of Georgia

Session 3 - Patient & Family Issues

Denise C. Park, UGA Gerontology Center
Vita Ostrander, American Association of Retired Persons
Joan Dashiell, Alzheimer's Association

See the article in Georgia Advocate, Fall 1990 for more information.
