The United States of America
Josef Alstotter, Wilhelm von Ammon, Paul Barnickel, Hermann Cuhorst, Karl Engert, Gunther Joel, Herbert Klemm, Ernst Lautz, Wolfgang Mettgenberg, Gunther Nebelung, Rudolf Oeschey, Hans Petersen, Oswald Rothaug, Curt Rothenberger, Franz Schlegelberger, and Carl Westphal,
Indictment filed: 4 January 1947
Trial dates: 5 May 1947 - 13 October 1947
Judges: Carrington T. Marshall (Ohio) (presiding judge); James T. Brand (Oregon) ; Mallory B. Blair (Texas); and Justin Woodward Harding (Ohio) (alternate judge).
Chief Prosecutor: Charles M. LaFollette
Judgment: 3 December 1947
Sentencing: 4 December 1947
_________________________________________________Submissions from 1948
The Case Against Nazi Jurists, Charles M. LaFollette
Submissions from 1947
Opinion of Judge Blair Correction Sheet, Mallory B. Blair
Closing Argument for Prosecution, Charles M. LaFollette
Judgment, Military Tribunal No. III
Transcript of trial video, Office of Chief Counsel for War Crimes
Opening Statment for the United States of America, Telford Taylor