Oral Histories | Digital Archives | University of Georgia School of Law
Contained here are digitized or transcribed oral histories related to the University of Georgia School of Law community. The original physical media items of the oral histories located here are either audio cassette tapes or data discs, and are part of the Law Library archival collection.

The majority of items from this collection are part of the Law School's oral history project. It includes 17 cassettes of audio captured between December 10, 1982 and October 7, 1983. View the catalog record for the Law School oral history project. The Spring 1983 issue of Advocate Magazine summarizes the project on pages 6-7.


Submissions from 2010

Interview with John B. Rees, John B. Rees and Ann Puckett

Submissions from 1983


Gwinn H. Nixon, University of Georgia School of Law


Herbert A. Ringel, University of Georgia School of Law


Interview with Spencer Grayson, University of Georgia School of Law


Joseph M. Oliver, University of Georgia School of Law


R. Wilson Smith, University of Georgia School of Law


Interview with Charles L. Gowen (part 1), University of Georgia School of Law, Charles L. Gowen, and Erwin Surrency


Interview with Charles L. Gowen (part 2), University of Georgia School of Law, Charles L. Gowen, and Erwin Surrency


Interview with Clarence McClanahan, University of Georgia School of Law, Clarence McClanahan, and Erwin Surrency

Submissions from 1982


Interview with Thomas F. Green, Jr., Thomas F. Green Jr.


Interview with William King Meadow (part 2), University of Georgia School of Law


Interviw with William King Meadow (part 1), University of Georgia School of Law


John A. Sibley, University of Georgia School of Law


Roundtable Discussion, University of Georgia School of Law


Interview with Ellis G. Arnall (part 1), University of Georgia School of Law, Ellis G. Arnall, and Gwen Wood


Interview with Ellis G. Arnall (part 2), University of Georgia School of Law, Ellis G. Arnall, and Gwen Wood


Interview with Eugene A. Epting, University of Georgia School of Law, Eugene A. Epting, and Erwin Surrency


Interview with Roy V. Harris, University of Georgia School of Law, Gewn Wood, and Roy V. Harris