March 23, 2011 | Protect Athens Music

The 1st annual Protect Athens Music Conference through four panels served as a kick-off for two days of activities designed to support and educate local musicians. Panel topics included building a successful support system, performance rights organizations, branding and making money beyond the radio.

The event was presented by the University of Georgia School of Law's Sports and Entertainment Society, the University of Georgia’s Music Business Program and Nuci's Space.

Protect Athens Music 2011

Photo of What's in a Name: Branding Your Band Panel

Schedule of events

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Wednesday, March 23rd
2:45 PM

Welcoming Remarks

Karli Swift, Sports and Entertainment Law Society

Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall

2:45 PM - 2:50 PM

2:50 PM

Opening Statement

David Barbe, University of Georgia Terry College of Business

Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall

2:50 PM - 3:00 PM

3:00 PM

Building Your Team

Jonathan E. Leonard, Jonathan E. Leonard PC
Lisa Moore, Georgia Lawyers for the Arts
Rasheed Muhammed, Sun Trust Sports and Entertainment Specialty Group
David Lowery, University of Georgia Terry College of Business
Deborah Gonzalez, Timmons Warnes & Anderson

Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

3:50 PM

Performance Rights Organizations

BMI Representative, Broadcast Music Incorporated
ASCAP Representative, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
Pete Dugas, TSAV Publishing
David Barbe, University of Georgia Terry College of Business

Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall

3:50 PM - 4:35 PM

4:55 PM

What's in a Name: Branding Your Band

Michelle Roche, Michelle Roche Media Relations
Michelle Gilzenrat, Flagpole Magazine
Kristen Fancher, Greenberg Traurig
Killick Hinds, Killick!
Jared Bailey, AthFest

Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall

4:55 PM - 5:40 PM

5:45 PM

Beyond the Radio: Alternative Ways to Make Money with your Music

Randy Whatley, Cypress Media
Steve Weizenacker, Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Nikki Marshall, Red Clay Clearances

Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall

5:45 PM - 6:30 PM