"Candlelight memorial service will be held April 26; Appel to be rememb" by Office of Communications and Public Relations

Candlelight memorial service will be held April 26; Appel to be remembered


Candlelight memorial service will be held April 26; Appel to be remembered

Monday, April 23, 2018

Athens, Ga. – Twenty-four University of Georgia students, faculty and staff members who died since last April will be honored at the university’s annual candlelight memorial service April 26 at 7 p.m. on the steps of the Chapel.

UGA President Jere W. Morehead will lead the service, “Georgia Remembers…a Candlelight Memorial.” Names of each of the nine students and 15 faculty and staff members will be read aloud, followed by a toll of the Chapel bell and the lighting of a candle.

Names will be read by Scott Pegan, chair of the executive committee of University Council; Michael Lewis, chair of the Staff Council; and Ammishaddai Grand-Jean, president of the Student Government Association.

Members of the university’s Arch Society will light candles as each name is read aloud. Paula Frances Price, campus staff minister with Greek InterVarsity, will deliver an opening prayer, and Mara Price, engagement director for Hillel at UGA, will deliver a closing prayer. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the flames from the Arch Society members’ candles will be passed to attendees so they can light their own candles of remembrance.

The Southern Wind Quintet from the Hugh Hodgson School of Music will provide music, and the university’s Army ROTC will ring the bell.

Students whose names will be read, along with their hometowns and the areas of study they were pursuing, are: • Shaw Malcolm Carter, a master’s student from Gainesville studying public administration • Virginia Katelyn Chandler, a fourth-year student from Buford majoring in biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics • Andrew Ryan Davis, a master’s student from Athens studying financial planning, housing and consumer economics • Michael Masresha, a fourth-year student from Lilburn majoring in management information systems • Devin James Moorman, a fourth-year student from Athens majoring in computer science • Danielle Elaine Reece, a doctoral student from Atlanta studying health promotion and behavior • Samuel Thomas Stolz, a fourth-year student from Alpharetta majoring in economics • Bridget Ariel Thompson, a fourth-year student from Grayson majoring in Spanish and microbiology • Oliver Walker Woodward, a fourth-year student from Atlanta majoring in real estate.

Faculty and staff whose names will be read, along with the positions they held, are: • Peter A. Appel, professor, law • Martha M. Carr, professor, educational psychology • William Collins, utility worker II, Athletic Association • Victoria M. Davion, professor and head of the philosophy department • Jakeda Ellison, food service worker II, 4-H and youth-UGA Cooperative Extension • Teresa H. Guthrie, administrative specialist II, Office of the Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations; • Tami Starr Hawkins, county secretary, Northwest district-UGA Cooperative Extension • Barry A. Hollander, professor, journalism and mass communication • Michelle McGeehan, application analyst associate, Technology Services • Jacqueline A. Minus, administrative assistant II, Office of International Student Life • Joseph A. Seay, garage attendant, Facilities Management Division • Nicholas Glynn Stewart, research technician III, entomology-UGA Cooperative Extension • Karen Lee Tinsley, public service associate, financial planning, housing and consumer economics department • Lance J. Wilder, senior lecturer, English • Justin J. Willcox, IT associate director, EITS-finance and business services

The candlelight memorial service is coordinated by the Office of the Dean of Students within UGA Division of Student Affairs.


Writer: Don Reagin, 706-542-7774, dreagin@uga.edu Contact: Beau Seagraves, 706-542-7774, beaus@uga.edu
