Renowned tax scholar to speak as UGA law school’s 115th Sibley Lecturer


Renowned tax scholar to speak as UGA law school’s 115th Sibley Lecturer

Monday, January 22, 2018

Athens, Ga. – Edward D. Kleinbard, the holder of the Packard Trustee Chair in Law at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law and Fellow at The Century Foundation, is set to deliver the University of Georgia School of Law’s 115th Sibley Lecture titled “What’s a Government Good For?: Fiscal Policy in an Age of Inequality.” This event will take place on Feb. 5 at 3 p.m. in the Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom of Hirsch Hall and is free and open to the public.

Kleinbard, whose scholarship focuses on the taxation of capital income, international tax issues and the political economy of taxation, was one of four individuals honored as a 2016 International Tax Person of the Year by the nonpartisan policy organization Tax Analysts. He is the author of We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money and, in 2017, Kleinbard co-authored the leading law school introductory income tax casebook. He has testified before Congress on tax policy matters and has written opinion pieces for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Washington Post, The Financial Times and other media outlets.

Kleinbard joined the faculty of the University of Southern California in 2009. Previously, he served as chief of staff of the U.S. Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation. Kleinbard was also a partner in the New York office of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton for more than 20 years.

He received his law degree from Yale Law School and his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Brown University.

The Sibley Lecture Series, established in 1964 by the Charles Loridans Foundation of Atlanta in tribute to the late John A. Sibley, is designed to attract outstanding legal scholars of national prominence to the School of Law. Sibley was a 1911 graduate of the law school.

This presentation is also part of the University of Georgia Signature Lecture Series notable lecture list.


Writer: Claire Taylor, 706-542-5172, Contact: Lona Panter, 706-542-5172,

Note to editors: A photo of Kleinbard is available at

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