UGA School of Law names Dasher employee of the year


UGA School of Law names Dasher employee of the year

Monday, December 11, 2017

UGA School of Law names Dasher employee of the year

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia School of Law’s Staff Representative Group recently presented Administrative Associate M. Catherine “Cathy” Dasher with the 2017 Emma Terrell Distinguished Employee Award. The honor is given each year to an employee who demonstrates dedication and service to the law school.

Dasher joined the School of Law in 1997, and she serves as the administrative assistant to several of its professors. She is also the head of the administrative services office and maintains supplies for the law school, processes invoices for payments, prepares purchase orders and assists with student affairs. Additionally, she serves as the administrative support contact for the communications and budget offices.

She was recognized for her commitment and professionalism. According to written nominations, Dasher was described as helpful, pleasant and “the go to person for everything.” One individual who nominated Dasher for the award noted, “I work with Cathy on a weekly basis, at times daily, for a variety of different tasks. I cannot count how many times she has helped me with newly assigned tasks and exercised such patience as I ask countless questions. … I know I can always count on Cathy to help me.” Another nominator wrote: “When I started at the law school, Cathy was one of the first people I met and from moment one, she treated me with such kindness and always offered an encouraging word … her kindness has not stopped.”

Dasher earned her associate degree in paralegal studies from South University. Prior to joining the School of Law, she worked with GMAC as an administrative assistant and in various retail jobs.

The Terrell Distinguished Employee Award is presented annually to recognize staff members who demonstrate an outstanding work ethic, a commitment to service and exceptional job performance in addition to the cooperation necessary to increase the quality of education and service provided by the law school. Formerly known as the Employee Distinguished Service Award, this honor was renamed in February 2005 in memory of Emma P. Terrell, a longtime employee remembered for her dedication to and enthusiasm for the law school.


Writer: Lona Panter, 706-542-5172, Contact: Cathy Dasher, 706-542-2901,

Note to editors: An image of Dasher is available at

UGA School of Law Established in 1859, the School of Law is consistently regarded as one of the nation’s top law schools. The school is proud of its longstanding commitment to preparing the next generation of legal leaders and ensuring a strong return on investment for its three degrees – the Juris Doctor, the Master of Laws and the Master in the Study of Law. The school’s accomplished faculty includes nationally and internationally renowned scholars, and its more than 10,000 living graduates are leading figures in law, business and public service throughout the world. Connecting students to these thought leaders and opportunities to serve state and society is central to the school’s mission. For more information, see
