UGA law school hosts book discussion on Brown's Defending the Public's Enemy


Athens, Ga. - The University of Georgia School of Law will host a discussion of the recently published book Defending the Public's Enemy: The Life and Legacy of Ramsey Clark, which was written by Lonnie T. Brown, Jr., a Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor and the holder of the law school's Cleveland Distinguished Chair of Legal Ethics and Professionalism. The discussion will be held Oct. 3 at 4 p.m. in Classroom A of Hirsch Hall on UGA's North Campus. The event is free and open to the public.

Published by the Stanford University Press, Defending the Public's Enemy examines former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark's life and career that includes serving as our country's top lawyer and later as a defender of notorious foes including Saddam Hussein. According to the publisher, Clark's life "is emblematic of the contradictions at the heart of American political history, and society's ambivalent relationship with dissenters and outliers, as well as those who defend them."

Speakers will include Brown, Fordham University's Bruce Green, who is the director of the Louis Stein Center for Law and Ethics and the holder of the Stein Chair, and Cornell University's W. Bradley Wendel, associate dean for academic affairs and professor of law.


Writer/Contact: Heidi M. Murphy, 706-583-5487,

UGA School of Law
Established in 1859, the School of Law is consistently regarded as one of the nation's top law schools. The school is proud of its longstanding commitment to preparing the next generation of legal leaders and ensuring a strong return on investment for its three degrees - the Juris Doctor, the Master of Laws and the Master in the Study of Law. The school's accomplished faculty includes nationally and internationally renowned scholars, and its more than 10,000 living graduates are leading figures in law, business and public service throughout the world. Connecting students to these thought leaders and opportunities to serve state and society is central to the school's mission. For more information, see
