UGA law school to celebrate NATO's 70th anniversary with lecture, Dean Rusk International Law Center hosts NATO legal advisor


Athens, Ga. - The University of Georgia School of Law's Dean Rusk International Law Center will host the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's legal advisor to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the international alliance, which is comprised of approximately 30 North American and European countries. "NATO @ 70: The Rule of Law Alliance" will be delivered by Steven Hill - NATO's Office of Legal Affairs director based in Brussels, Belgium - Sept. 26 at 12 noon in Hirsch Hall's Classroom A, North Campus. The event is free and open to the public.

Hill will examine NATO's successes in meeting the collective security needs of its members, assessing the interplay of international law and other international and regional organizations with NATO's mission. He will also explore contemporary challenges facing the international organization - such as technological advances in the security, privacy and military arenas - and adaptations necessary for NATO's future success.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established in 1949 by 12 countries. Created to accomplish the political-military tasks necessary to defend Western Europe and North America, NATO has successfully deterred conflict in Europe and beyond, proving itself as a rule of law alliance, according to Dean Rusk International Law Center Director Kathleen A. Doty.

This event is part of the UGA's Signature Lecture Series.

Requests for accommodations for those with disabilities should be made as soon as possible but at least seven days prior to the scheduled lecture. Please contact Katie Fite in the Office of Academic Programs at 706-542-0383 or at to request accommodations.


Writer/Contact: Heidi M. Murphy, 706-583-5487,

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