"Pernini and Shapiro win best brief award at national moot court compet" by Office of Communications and Public Relations

Pernini and Shapiro win best brief award at national moot court competition


Congratulations to third-year students Taylor E. Pernini and Jake A. Shapiro for winning the Best Respondent Brief Award and finishing as semifinalists in the 11th Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition. A second UGA team comprised of third-year students Emily Hanson and Chandler Brooks also represented the law school in this tournament that fielded 48 teams. Advocacy Director Kellie Casey said both teams' excellent performance resulted from dedicated faculty members and alumni/alumnae who helped to prepare them, including faculty member Anna White Howard. A special thanks also goes to the law firm Epps, Holloway, DeLoach & Hoipkemier for hosting our teams for the virtual competition due to previously scheduled campus wide IT network maintenance and for their ongoing support of the school's advocacy program.
