Wilbanks CEASE Clinic combats human trafficking


January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, but the University of Georgia School of Law's Wilbanks Child Endangerment and Sexual Exploitation Clinic works year-round to fight for survivors.

This past fall, the clinic held two webinars related to human trafficking, which focused on how implicit bias affects survivors of commercial and sexual exploitation and on Georgia Senate Bill 435, which allows for post-conviction relief for survivors of trafficking whose convictions are directly caused by or occurred during the times they were victims of trafficking.

Additionally, Wilbanks CEASE Clinic Director Emma Hetherington serves as co-chair of the North Georgia Sex Trafficking Awareness and Response task force, of which clinic Staff Attorney Brian Atkinson and Post-Graduate Fellow Melina Lewis are members. Atkinson also serves as a member of the Georgia Coalition to Combat Human Trafficking.

For more information on the Wilbanks CEASE Clinic and its efforts, visit http://cease.law.uga.edu/ .
