In Memoriam: R. Perry Sentell Jr.


The School of Law regrets to share news of the passing of Carter Chair Emeritus R. Perry Sentell Jr. on Jan. 28, 2021, at the age of 86. This sad announcement comes shortly after the passing of his wife, Jeannette, just eight days earlier. A 1958 law school alumnus, he retired in 2004 after 46 years of teaching and service at the University of Georgia. Sentell was a titan in the legal academy and a demanding instructor who set high expectations but with a warm heart for his students. Many of those students went on to hold leadership roles in the bar, the bench and government. Famous for his annual Palsgraf lecture, Sentell taught Torts, Municipal Corporations and Law of Legislative Government and published nearly 30 books. Among his law school honors are a bust in the Alexander Campbell King Law Library, the law school's Distinguished Service Scroll Award and an endowed scholarship fund named in his honor. He is survived by his son Robert Perry Sentell III, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Please be sure to keep the Sentell family in your thoughts and prayers during this extremely sorrowful time.


School of Law Profile

Common Law Taught by an Uncommon Man: A Tribute to Perry Sentell (Advocate, Fall 2004/Winter 2005)

Sentell's Likeness Finds Home in Library (Advocate, Spring/Summer 2005)

The Making of a Legend Sentell Style (Advocate, Spring/Summer 2004)

Distinguished Service Scroll Awards Presented at Savannah Alumni Meeting (Advocate, Fall 1995)

1975 Palsgraf Lecture
