Appellate Litigation Clinic wins case in D.C. Circuit


The Appellate Litigation Clinic recently won a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit relating to a Fair Housing Act issue in the case Webb v. United States Veterans Initiative. The clinic was appointed as amicus curiae on behalf of Webb, a disabled military veteran who claimed that U.S. Vets had deprived him of preferred housing based on his sex. Judge David S. Tatel wrote the opinion and said: "We appointed counsel to appear as amicus curiae in support of Webb and appreciate the outstanding efforts by appointed counsel and the student counsel who argued the case." Third-year student Mollie M. Fiero presented oral argument, and third-year student Jason N. Sigalos helped write the brief. The victory was covered by Bloomberg Law in the article titled "Homeless Veteran Can Sue Nonprofit for Bias in Housing Placement." It was written by Bernie Pazanowski and published 4/16/21.

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