UGA launches staff comprehensive compensation review, Waldrop to serve on committee


The University of Georgia has announced a new initiative to complete a comprehensive review of staff compensation.

Made possible through a partnership with Deloitte Consulting, the Staff Comprehensive Compensation Review initiative will evaluate the university’s current classification and compensation structure, while analyzing job and market salary competitiveness as well as related policies and procedures. The final report is scheduled to be completed later this academic year with implementation of project outcomes to coincide with the development of the fiscal year 2023 budget.

The project has five goals:

  • Goal 1: Complete a comprehensive study comparing UGA salaries to public and private markets.
  • Goal 2: Develop a process to review salary ranges annually against market benchmarks.
  • Goal 3: Create career ladders for promotion and progression with clearly defined criteria.
  • Goal 4: Ensure that all policies and procedures are consistent with the new structure.
  • Goal 5: Develop strategies to address staff compensation challenges that consider economic realities and are fiscally sound.

The Staff Comprehensive Compensation Review is being guided by a steering and advisory team:

  • Don Leo, dean, College of Engineering (co-chair)
  • Amanda Patterson, associate vice president, Student Affairs (co-chair)
  • Randolph Carter, director of diversity and inclusion, Office of Institutional Diversity
  • Tim Chester, vice president for information technology
  • Alan Darvill, Regents Professor and director, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
  • Derek Eberhart, associate vice president for research
  • Savannah Hembree, business manager, Emergency Preparedness, and Staff Council president
  • Brett Jackson, associate vice president for auxiliary services and UGA Foundation CFO
  • Gwen Moss, associate vice president, Public Service and Outreach
  • Toni Rogers, associate vice president, Academic Fiscal Affairs
  • Kim Thomas, senior director of services, Facilities Management Division
  • Blake Waldrop, senior director of business and finance, School of Law
  • Qiana Wilson, director, Equal Opportunity Office

Executive project sponsors include President Jere W. Morehead, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Jack Hu and Vice President for Finance and Administration Ryan Nesbit.

“This initiative represents a critical next step in the university’s ongoing efforts to better support and retain UGA staff members. We are grateful to the advisory team, our project sponsors and a number of other individuals whose support is making this very important project possible,” Nesbit said.

Additional information on the initiative is available here.
