Juleus and Kairab finish national mock trial competition as quarterfinalists
Third-year students Donavan C. Juleus and Haley K. Kairab finished the National Trial Competition as quarterfinalists. Hosted by the Texas Young Lawyers Association and the American College of Trial Lawyers, this competition is one of the largest mock trial tournaments in the country, attracting teams from more than 140 law schools and involving more than 1,000 law students each year. The pair won their regional competition during February, earning the right to advance to the national tier of the tournament.
The team was coached by Adjunct Professor Jeremy Dailey (J.D.'14) with assistance from Adjunct Professor Edward Brumby (J.D.'99) and third-year student Varad R. Dabke. Classmates Charles D. Calkins and Kayla S. Hope served as witnesses for the competition.
Repository Citation
Communications and Public Relations, Office of, "Juleus and Kairab finish national mock trial competition as quarterfinalists" (2022). Press Releases. 1609.