"UGA law school to host forums on federal public service and homelessne" by Office of Communications and Public Relations

UGA law school to host forums on federal public service and homelessness


Writer: Christina Graff, 706/542-5172, lawprstu@uga.edu
Contact: Sara Schramm, 706/542-5154, schramm@uga.edu

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia School of Law will host two presentations by Frank Trinity, general counsel of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which offers grants and oversees several federal volunteer programs, including AmeriCorps.

With years of experience in the field of public service, Trinity will address federal public service job opportunities on April 7 at 12:30 p.m. in classroom A of Hirsch Hall, and lunch will be provided.

Later the same day, a forum on strategies for dealing with homelessness in the current climate will begin at 4:30 p.m., also in classroom A. Trinity will participate in the discussion and provide a federal prospective on this troubling issue that is on the rise in the Athens area. A light reception will follow.

Both events are free and open to the public.

Trinity joined the Corporation for National and Community Service in 1995 and has served as general counsel since 2000. He previously worked as an attorney at the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless, where he supervised a corps of 100 volunteers providing legal outreach in soup kitchens and emergency shelters. A graduate of Princeton University and Yale Law School, he has served as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center.

The Annenberg Speakers Bureau is sponsoring Trinity’s visit to Georgia Law.

