"Georgia Law students and Appellate Litigation Clinic secure rare presi" by Office of Communications and Public Relations

Georgia Law students and Appellate Litigation Clinic secure rare presidential clemency grant for indigent client


President Barack Obama has granted a clemency petition prepared by students and faculty at Georgia Law's Appellate Litigation Clinic. The clinic first began work on Steven B. Boyd's case in 2013 when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit referred the matter. Then-students Anne Horn Baroody (J.D.'14) and Bryan W. Lutz (J.D.'14) initially litigated the matter before the 11th Circuit, which remanded the case to the District Court for the Southern District of Georgia to decide a procedural question. After litigation on that question proved unsuccessful, then-students Elliott R. Gillooly (J.D.'15) and Matthew C. Mikkelsen (J.D.'15) and current third-year students Elliott C. Ream and Taylor Strickland prepared the clemency petition. All participating clinic students worked under the supervision of Associate Dean Erica J. Hashimoto and Professor Thomas V. Burch.

View the White House press statement
