"Georgia Law welcomes its new students" by Office of Communications and Public Relations

Georgia Law welcomes its new students


Orientation has begun for the Class of 2019. There are 180 students enrolled in the Juris Doctor program. They are a diverse group with a variety of backgrounds including military and public service, and 17 percent are first-generation college graduates. They hail from 23 states, and they studied at 72 undergraduate institutions. Sixteen percent self-identify as belonging to a minority group. The median undergraduate GPA of this impressive class is the highest in Georgia Law history.

Fourteen foreign-trained lawyers have enrolled in a two-semester course of study towards an LL.M. (Master of Laws) degree. This accomplished group comes from 10 countries on five continents, and they have career goals ranging from international business law practices to leadership in international organizations.

Additionally, there are four Master in the Study of Law students, who come from academia and the business community. This degree is designed for those desiring knowledge of the legal system that may enhance their career opportunities.

We are glad to have all of these talented students in Athens.

All information as of 8/11/16.
