Now that you know the foundations of enforceable contracts, and want to have more familiarity with some nuts and bolts of contract language to become a better negotiator for your institutions, you will want to take this second webinar.
Participants will learn:
• What are the basic provisions or clauses of a contract?
• What do these provisions obligate my institution to do?
• What do these provisions obligate the other party to do?
• What rights does my institution have if the other party breaks its obligations?
Streaming Media
Repository Citation
Wolfson, Stephen and Burright, Mariann, "What's in a licensing agreement?" (2018). Presentations. 115.
Included in
Contracts Commons, Intellectual Property Law Commons, Law Librarianship Commons, Legal Education Commons, Scholarly Publishing Commons
The second session in 3-part webinar series on contracting principles for librarians and others in higher education sponsored by the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries.