Workshop on Overcoming Biases and Microaggressions in the Workplace

Following a group webinar viewing at the Miller Learning Center at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA a librarian from UGA Libraries and two staff members from UGA Law Library acted as panelists to facilitate discussions among attendee's. The event was organized and sponsored by the Academic Library Division of the Georgia Library Association in collaboration with the Georgia Library Associations' Black Caucus (GLA-BC). The webinar viewed by the group was recorded and provided by the Association of College and Research Libraries.


As human beings, we cannot hide from bias: It is a natural part of our brain. However, it is up to us to recognize how biases in the workplace impact others and our own productivity. This webcast will help attendees identify biases, explore how they affect the work environment, and discuss strategies for reducing these biases within recruitment, hiring, and retention in the library workplace. We will define the various types of microaggressions that can result from these biases and offer practices for addressing and coping with them. Minimizing and addressing implicit bias and microaggressions can help foster a safe and inclusive work environment.

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Photo of Webinar Viewing

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Photo of Panelist Discussion

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Photo of Room During Discussion
