Presented at CALICon 2019 (Computer Assisted Legal Instruction Conference) on June 6, 2019 at 1:30 pm in at the University of South Carolina School of Law in Columbia, SC.


ABA Standards require students to complete six credit hours of experiential learning. Hours must be tracked, and field placements in particular require students to keep logs of their activities to document compliance. Various web-based solutions are used, including “high-end suites like CORE ELMS, the Symplicity experiential learning module, and the basic and free Dropbox and Google Suite” as well as Canvas, and a time-tracking program called Tick. Here at the University of Georgia School of Law, we decided to add simple timesheet functionality to our Drupal-based student portal, allowing students to securely log their hours and activities, and faculty to view total hours at a glance.

The system has been working well enough, but it’s time to move the portal to Drupal 8, and I thought “why not create a distribution that comes with all the modules and functionality needed so that other schools could use this simple, customized, open-source system?” So, that is the plan. This session requires no technical background, but should be of interest to clinical faculty who would like to implement such a system and IT staff who would like to learn more about creating and using Drupal 8 installation profiles, because sometimes reinventing the wheel _is_ the right answer.

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