"IRs, Access, and Metadata Challenges Roundtable" by Rachel S. Evans

IRs, Access, and Metadata Challenges Roundtable

Moderated to facilitate discussion among breakout room members as part of the American Association of Law Libraries Law Repositories Caucus virtual annual meeting on July 20, 2020.


The metadata challenges roundtable took place in Zoom with members replying to questions and taking part in discussion of shared challenges and solutions. In addition, members in this session shared their backgrounds with their current institution repository and the platforms they were operating in. Primary shared challenges all attendees could relate to included navigating the differences between traditional cataloging subjects and repository disciplines and keywords, as well as staffing challenges for inputting and cleaning up metadata. Questions asked by the moderator included:

  • What repository platforms are we using?
  • What challenges are we facing with our institutional repositories?

  • What challenges do you face related to staffing for input and your personal work load to input or cleanup?

  • What challenges are we facing specially related to access and discovery?
  • What else is everyone uploading (content other than scholarship/articles)?
