"Interviewing When You Can’t Shake Hands (Part II): The Employer’s Pers" by Michelle Hook Dewey, Thomas J. Striepe et al.

Interviewing When You Can’t Shake Hands (Part II): The Employer’s Perspective

Webinar for the American Association of Law Libraries presented on January 28, 2021, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm.


Remote interviews may be the only way you will get someone hired. As follow-up to December’s program, Interviewing When You Can’t Shake Hands, the presenters will discuss the topic from an employer’s perspective. Topics include issues that arise from the format of the interview; scheduling the interview; technology; security; selling the organization; and assessing candidates. The panelists work in a variety of law library types and will provide practical ideas to make your next remote interview more successful.


  1. Learn issues that arise from remote interviews
  2. How to create a framework for preparing to conduct a remote interview
  3. Learn strategies and tips for conducting successful remote interviews


  • Michelle Hook Dewey, BakerHostsetler
  • TJ Striepe, Alexander Campbell King Law Library
  • Elizabeth Osbourne, Library of Congress


  • Sarah Mauldin, DeKalb County Law Library
