"Avoiding Total Eclipses in Your Repository: Leveraging Grants, Digitiz" by Rachel S. Evans

Avoiding Total Eclipses in Your Repository: Leveraging Grants, Digitization, Consortia-OAI Harvesting, Digital Exhibits & PR Campaigns

Lightning talk presentation given virtually at the 2022 Digital Commons North American Conference on November 9, 2022.


Over the course of the last two years the University of Georgia School of Law and Library have pursued a variety of grant funding opportunities to increase digitization efforts of our special collections and archives. This lightning talk will touch on the grant writing process, discussing our rejections and successes, and give takeaways to others interested in digitization grants. This talk will culminate in the relationship building our grant writing has helped facilitate including the continued resource sharing with state and nation-wide partners the Digital Library of Georgia and Digital Public Library of America. Another practical takeaway will include the OAI harvesting used so that attendees are left with the Digital Commons documentation consulted as a primary resource to reformat our IR series URLs for successful ingest by the Digital Library of Georgia.

Rachel Evans DC Conference LT.pdf (11617 kB)
Presentation Slides
