Cracking the Communication Code: Tools and Strategies for Savvy Project Management

Presented virtually at the 2022 Code4Lib Conference on May 25, 2022, from 11:30 am to 11:45 am.


From system administrator to web developer, and from management of electronic resources to the curation of hoards of metadata, the names and nature of coding librarians takes many forms. And with those many different titles and tasks come an equally diverse array of projects we find ourselves involved in: regular database maintenance, emergency triage and repair, large-scale or institution-wide upgrades, etc. In this otherwise varied set of responsibilities, the importance of well-defined roles and clear channels for communication are universal keys to success. In this short session we will present a variety of tools we, and other librarians, have found helpful when managing day-to-day and long-term projects. We will also share best practices for defining what each channel is for the purpose of integrating responsibility assignment matrices/RACI charts into your teams.

Streaming Media

Code4Lib_ Cracking the Communication Code.pdf (948 kB)
Presentation Slides
