Cut the Cacophony: Creating Effective Visual Materials for Teaching

Presented at the 2022 Teaching the Teacher's Conference at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon, on May 12, 2022, from 10:40 am to 12:10 pm.


Teaching legal research can be dense, multi-layered, and downright difficult. Conveying the information you need to students in an accessible and understandable way can be tough, particularly when you need to translate and condense complex subject matter into tangible teaching materials. In this collaborative workshop, presenters Jennifer Mart-Rice and Rachel Evans team up to combine their collective instructional experiences and work with attendees to design impactful visuals for the classroom. Attendees will learn about the must-haves and best practices for handouts and slide decks before being broken into groups where they will select a challenging slide deck and put their new skills to the test. A checklist of frequent errors, crucial components, and examples of how to address issues and concerns will double as the session handout for attendees to use when assessing their workshop slide decks and their own visual teaching materials in the future.
