"Making the Repository Accessible and Discoverable: the How and Why of " by Rachel S. Evans, Anne Burnett et al.

Making the Repository Accessible and Discoverable: the How and Why of Data Cleanup for Digitized Special Collections

Presented virtually at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society of Georgia Archivists from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm.


This panel will present the story of several special collections at the UGA Law Library, tracing their origins from the adoption of a repository in 2006 to early digitization of items, and finally to the recent OCR-ing and metadata cleanup for decades worth of data to optimize their discoverability. The presenters will demonstrate how colleagues at the Law Library have been working together to make digitized items more discoverable and accessible in their repository. The panelists will focus on two clean-up projects: (1) the metadata of the LL.M. Theses Collection (2) OCR-ing the Law School historic Directories, Dean’s Reports, Strategic Plans and Advocate Magazines.

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