Putting the Life Back Into the Old Book: A Crash Course in Running Your Own Book Repair Clinic

Presented virtually as a poster session as part of the Georgia Library Association Annual Conference from 9:30 am to 10:15 am.


UGA Law Library has had versions of a book repair clinic come and go over the years. This valuable service to the students, faculty and staff has changed formats throughout time but remains a popular program each semester. Librarians and staff work together each year to make basic repairs to textbooks and other items that are brought to the clinic. In this session our Student Services Librarian will share the scheduling and promotion of these events, and the value that is has provided to students, faculty and staff. Our Collection Services Manager and Special Collections Librarian will also talk about the how-to aspect of the clinic. They will share their backgrounds in book repair, their involvement in past and recent book repair clinic events, and the tools and other resources needed to host your own clinic. A demo of the "quick and dirty" types of repairs we provide for this programming will be given as well so attendees can see this work in action! Although we are an academic library, this type of program could be implemented in any library to benefit patrons who have well-loved books that need repairing.

BookRepair_Poster1080p.mov (46292 kB)
Poster Presentation

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Poster Slides

book-repair-poster_long-version.pdf (3685 kB)
