Rachel Evans served as moderator of a panel presentation as part of the LD4 Linked Data International Conference on July 11, 2023, from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm.


In collaboration with the Music Library Association Linked Data Working Group (MLA LDWG), and as part of the Linked Data for Production: Closing the Loop (LD4P3) grant, Cornell University and Stanford University explored the integration of Wikidata properties describing musical works into a Cornell library catalog prototype. In this presentation, we will briefly describe the MLA LDWG’s project to add thematic catalog codes and other information to musical works represented in Wikidata. We will review the design, development, and usability testing of a Cornell library catalog prototype that integrated these Wikidata properties.

We will also discuss the specific choices we made to map information from name title authorities in the Cornell catalog to equivalent Wikidata entities and related information. In addition, we will discuss how this work intersects with authority creation and workflows. We will also review possibilities for the integration of this work into the production Cornell library catalog.

Emma Clarkson, New York Public Library, Metadata Specialist
Steven Folsom, Cornell University Library, Head of Metadata Design and Operations
Huda Khan, Stanford University Library, Software Developer
Kevin Kishimoto, Stanford University Library, Head of Music Metadata
Astrid Usong, Stanford University Library, UX Designer


Rachel Evans, University of Georgia School of Law

Streaming Media
