Is It Time to Quit Digitizing Everything? How to Focus and Fund Your Digital Collection

Presentation at the 2023 Computers in Libraries conference at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA, from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm.


The session provides guidance on how to focus your digitization decisions through the grant-writing process. Sheila McAlister, director, Digital Library of Georgia (DLG), shares her insider knowledge about how to set digitization priorities and successfully apply for a grant. McAlister is joined by Rachel Evans, University of Georgia Law Library, who discusses her experience working with DLG to decipher, define, develop, and contribute a curated digital collection. This is an interactive session and includes an opportunity for you to ask your specific questions about prioritizing and focusing your own digitization efforts. Speakers openly discuss how to obtain grant funding to produce discoverable collections that will be of broadest community interest. Moderator:

Dick Kaser, Executive Editor, Computers in Libraries Magazine Panelists:

Sheila McAlister, Director, Digital Library of Georgia

Rachel Evans, Metadata Services & Special Collections Librarian, Alexander Campbell King Law Library, University of Georgia and American Association of Law Libraries
