"Internet Legal Research Program Materials" by Elizabeth Geesey Holmes, James M. Donovan et al.


Internet Legal Research presentations include: Google and Beyond: Finding Information Using Search Engines, and Evaluating Your Results; Why Pay For It Twice? How to Access Federal Materials in the Public Domaind; All Politics are Local: State and Local Resources; L is for Lawyer: An Alphabet of Handy Web Pages; Internet Basics: The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Internet Research for Lawyers; But Can I Get it in English? Finding Foreign Law; Blawgs, Podcasts, Wikis? Deciphering the Lingo and Evaluating Current Awareness Tools

google and beyond 2006.ppt (5940 kB)
Google and Beyond: Finding Information Using Search Engines, and Evaluating Your Results

Why Pay Twice 2006.ppt (6516 kB)
Why Pay For It Twice? How to Access Federal Materials in the Public Domain

state_local 2006.ppt (6519 kB)
All Politics are Local: State and Local Resources

CLE March 2 2006 L is for Lawyer.ppt (26355 kB)
L is for Lawyer: An Alphabet of Handy Web Pages

Internet Basics.ppt (2503 kB)
Internet Basics: The Who, What,Where,Why and How of Internet Research for Lawyers

foreignlaw.ppt (4195 kB)
But Can I Get It in English? Finding Foreign Law

keeping current 2006 CW without notes.ppt (1912 kB)
Blawgs, Podcasts, Wikis? Deciphering the Lingo and Evaluating Current Awareness Tools

CLE March 2 2006 L is for Lawyer.pdf (113 kB)
L is for Lawyer: An Alphabet of Handy Web Pages

current news cle mar 2006 final.pdf (47 kB)
Blawgs, Podcasts, Wikis? Deciphering the Lingo and Evaluating Current Awareness Tools
