Law Firm Tech - What They Know, What They Want to Know, and What They Need to Know in Practice

Presented at the CALI Conference, June 18, 2016 at the Georgia State University College of Law in Atlanta, GA.

Advance to minute 8:00 on video for the start of the session.


Looks at ways to partner with law firms to familiarize students with the kinds of specialized software used in firms and considers how to ensure proficiency in the basics of common programs based on UGA's experience.

Law firms are jam packed with technology. Some, like conflicts software, document review systems, and time entry interfaces, are made for the legal marketplace. Other technology is ubiquitous - Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint - and familiar to law students. While word processing, spreadsheets, and other common software tools are familiar to students, and many would tell say they are adept at using them, most are not.

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