
The purpose of this thesis is to compare the legal remedies available to women who are the victims of domestic violence in the United States and India and analyze whether the existing laws in the two systems are effective and sufficient in combating this growing problem. Domestic violence against women is a reality. It haunts the female species form the cradle to the grave, manifesting itself in sociocultural crime peculiar to some societies like India, such as female feticide, female infanticide, bride burning dowry deaths, and wife battering (both a developing country like India and an economically developed country like the United States. The purpose of this thesis is not to cover the entire realm of domestic violence against women. Instead, it will be confined to legal remedies available to women who are the victims of spousal violence, both physical and psychological. In the Indian context, the problem of bride burning and dowry-related violence be dealt with as sociocultural variation of the same problem.
