"Amicus Briefs, 2011" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2011

newsjan11.html (18 kB)
January 2011: Wishing Myrtle Miller a Happy Retirement; Going Green Is Easy; Celebrating Desegregation at UGA; Law Dawgs; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb11.html (18 kB)
February 2011: Meet Jim Stipemaas; Marie Mize Is New Circulation Manager; Commemorating Desegregation at UGA; Law Dawgs of the Month; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar11.html (15 kB)
March 2011: Digital Commons; Green Coasters; Law Library Hours: Spring Break; Law Dawgs of the Month; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr11.html (15 kB)
April 2011: We Hear You: Student Survey; How Can CALI Help You? Congratulations, 3Ls! We'll See You at a CLE; Library Extends Hours for Exams; Law Dawg of the Month; Featured Acquisitions

newsaug11.html (12 kB)
August 2011: Welcome; TJ Striepe Joins the Law Library; Library Hours for Labor Day Weekend; Law Dawg of the Month; Featured Acquisitions

newssep11.html (15 kB)
September 2011: Thank You for Your Patience; Welcome Back, Doug Bell! World Constitutions Illustrated; Law Dawg of the Month: Liberty; Featured Acquisitions

newsoct11.html (11 kB)
October 2011: Kyle Lisk: New Night Circulation Assistant; Special Collections; Q: Quiet Zone in Annex; Law Dawg of the Month; Featured Acquisitions

newsnov11.html (9 kB)
November 2011: CALI Lessons for Finals Prep; Holiday and Exam Hours; Law Dawg of the Month: Quinn; Featured Acquisitions
