"Amicus Briefs, 2010" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2010

newsjan10.html (10 kB)
January 2010: Why Is It So Cold in the Law Library?; Meet Dan Riggs; New Reference Hours; Library Hours - MLK Holiday; Law Dawg of the Month; Puzzle; Recent Acquisitions

newsfeb10.html (26 kB)
February 2010: CQ Online; Lunch-n-Learn: "Legal Citation without Fear: Owning the Bluebook"; Law Dawg of the Month; Puzzle; Recent Acquisitions

newsmar10.html (31 kB)
March 2010: Special Collections Building Groundbreaking; Upcoming Lunch-n-Learn; Spring Break Hours; Law Dawg of the Month; March's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr10.html (35 kB)
April 2010: Professor Puckett to Retire; Law Library Hours for Furlough and Exams; Heads Up: Fines Increase during Exams; Upcoming Lunch-n-Learn; Law Dawg of the Month; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsaug10a.html (42 kB)
August 2010: Welcome!; The Torch Passes; Remembering Gabriel Wilner; Library with a View Blog; Meet Our Research Fellows and Research Associates; Law Dawg of the Month; Puzzle: Greatest Fictional Lawyers; Featured Acquisitions

newssep10d.html (33 kB)
September 2010: New Resource: LexisNexis Datasets; Keep GAVEL in Your Pocket; Lunch-n-Learn on October 11; Law Dawg of the Month: Ernie Pryor; September's Interactive Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsoct10b.html (37 kB)
October 2010: Jason Tubinis Joins the Law Library; Macs in Lab; Lunch-n-Learn: Exam Prep; Law Dawg of the Month: Sarah Lou DeTardo; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions

newsnov10b.html (47 kB)
November 2010: Good-bye and Good Luck to James Donovan;Book Repair Clinic and Coffee Break; Improved Access To Daily Report; Law Dawg of the Month: Margo Figueroa; Crossword Puzzle; Featured Acquisitions
