"Amicus Briefs, 2012" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2012

newsjan12.html (11 kB)
January 2012: Annex HVAC Update; MLK Holiday Hours; Law Dawg of the Month: Gingko StipeMaas; Featured Acquisitions

newsfeb12.html (16 kB)
February 2012: Black History Month in the Law Library; Bloomberg Training; New Hein Database: American Indian Law; Upcoming Lunch-n-Learn Programs; 20-Minute Tuneup Sessions; Law Dawg of the Month: Ruca Plantz; Featured Acquisitions

newsmar12.html (20 kB)
March 2012: Movies? At the Law Library? Law Library Makes Historic Georgia Codes Available Online; New Displays; Spring Break Hours; Training Opportunities; Law Dawg of the Month: Turnip Greens & Collard Greens; Featured Acquisitions

newsapr12.html (16 kB)
April 2012: Study Guides on Reserve; Law Library Exam Period Policies; Exam Anxiety? CALI Can Help; Book Repair Clinic; Law Dawgs of the Month; Featured Acquisitions

newsaug12.html (22 kB)
August 2012: Welcome; Meet Rachel Evans: Web Coordinator; Lunch-n-Learn: Law School Success; Law Library Circulation: More Than Just Books! Labor Day Holiday Hours; Bookmarks! Git Yer Bookmarks Here! Law Dawg of the Month; Featured Acquisitions

newssep2012.html (23 kB)
September 2012: Cases Available in Audio and Video; New in the Computer Lab: Visio 2012; Lunch-n-Learn: Be Healthy!; Law Dawg of the Month: Ginger; Featured Acquisitions
