Comparative Law: Law, Reality and Society (2nd edition)
Alan Watson
A non-traditional look at laws from around the world with consideration of how they came to be as they are.
State Postconviction Remedies and Relief Handbook with Forms (4th edition)
Donald E. Wilkes Jr.
A comprehensive review of common law and statutory postconviction remedies available at the state level.
Federal Postconviction Remedies and Relief Handbook with Forms (2008 edition)
Donald E. Wilkes, Jr.
This book contains the basic federal statutes and related reference sources that are essential to the preparation, legal research, and litigation of a federal postconviction remedy proceeding.
Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination (7th edition)
Michael J. Zimmer, Charles A. Sullivan, and Rebecca White
Combines statutes and developing precedents with theoretical perspectives to study all aspects of employment discrimination.
International Civil Litigation in United States Courts (4th edition)
Gary B. Born and Peter B. Rutledge
The Story of The Federalist: How Hamilton and Madison Reconceived America
Dan T. Coenen
This book explains the creation of The Federalist and discusses its continued significance in American today. The story of The Federalist has importance for students, lawyers, and historians.
Excerpt published with permission of Twelve Tables Press.
Real Estate Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials (3rd edition)
James C. Smith and Robin Paul Malloy
Contains basic elements and market factors involved in each area of the law, and presents cases and problems to illustrate its key points, pinpointing the manner in which such issues arise in practice.
Comparative Law: Law, Reality and Society (1st edition)
Alan Watson
A non-traditional look at laws from around the world with consideration of how they came to be as they are.
Cases and Materials on Federal Courts
Michael Wells, Larry W. Yackle, and William P. Marshall
The distinctive feature of this federal courts casebook, and the main difference between this and other federal courts books, is its systematic focus on remedial issues, especially the range of problems that arise when a litigant tries to enforce federal constitutional rights against state officers in the federal courts.
A Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method (3rd edition)
Cathleen S. Wharton, John C. Dernbach, Richard V. Singleton II, Joan M. Ruhtenberg, and Catherine J. Wasson
This classic text uses a series of simple guidelines to teach the basics of legal writing and legal method. The book includes focused exercises to provide students with practice applying legal reasoning.
Excerpt reproduced with permission of Aspen Publishers.
School of Law faculty at the University of Georgia author some of our country's leading legal scholarship. The following is a collection of books published by our past and current faculty members. Several faculty members have also created open educational resources made available through open textbook platforms. View a list of our faculty's open educational resource materials.
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