Submissions from 2012
Due Process as Separation of Powers, Nathan S. Chapman and Michael W. McConnell
An Essay on Originalism and the 'Individual Mandate': Rounding Out the Government’s Case for Constitutionality, Dan T. Coenen
The Originalist Case Against Congressional Supermajority Voting Rules, Dan T. Coenen
Finding International Law, Part II: Our Fragmenting Legal Community, Harlan G. Cohen
From Fragmentation to Constitutionalization, Harlan G. Cohen
Who Owes How Much? Developments in Apportionment and Joint and Several Liability Under O.C.G.A. § 51-12-33, Thomas A. Eaton
Who Owes How Much? Developments in Apportionment and Joint and Several Liability Under O.C.G.A. § 51-12-33, Thomas A. Eaton
Chapter 11 Reorganization and the Fair and Equitable Standard: How the Absolute Priority Rule Applies to All Nonprofit Entities, Pamela Foohey
Standing of Intervenor-Defendants in Public Law Litigation, Matthew I. Hall
Verify, Then Trust: How to Legalize Off-Label Drug Marketing, Fazal Khan and Justin Holloway
Gene Patents No More? Deciphering the Meaning of Prometheus, Fazal Khan and Lindsay Kessler
Affordable Care Act Litigation: The Standing Paradox, Elizabeth Weeks Leonard
The Rhetoric Hits the Road: State Resistance to Affordable Care Act Implementation, Elizabeth Weeks Leonard
Contemporary Meaning and Expectations in Statutory Interpretation, Hillel Y. Levin
Justice John Paul Stevens, Originalist, Diane Marie Amann
Liar, Liar, Jury's the Trier? The Future of Neuroscience-Based Credibility Assessment and the Court, John B. Meixner Jr.
The Architecture of International Energy Governance, Timothy L. Meyer
Book Review, International Organizations: Politics, Law, Practice (2010), Timothy L. Meyer
Codifying Custom, Timothy L. Meyer
Global Public Goods, Governance Risk, and International Energy, Timothy L. Meyer
Towards a Communicative Theory of International Law, Timothy L. Meyer
Scaling the Patent System, Christina Mulligan and Timothy B. Lee
Rationally Cutting Tax Expenditures, Gregg D, Polsky