Submissions from 2011
Good Faith in Revlon-Land, Christopher M. Bruner
Regulating Mandatory Arbitration, Thomas V. Burch
Narrative Preferences and Administrative Due Process, Jason A. Cade
Governing Securities Class Actions, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Group Consensus, Individual Consent, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Litigating Together: Social, Moral, and Legal Obligations, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Optimal Lead Plaintiffs, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Law Asks for Trust, Nathan Chapman
Prosecutorial Discretion and the Neglect of Juvenile Shielding Statutes, Andrea L. Dennis
The Limits of Procedural Private Ordering, Jaime L. Dodge
Beyond the Guantánamo Bind: Pragmatic Multilateralism in Refugee Resettlement, Melissa J. Durkee
Lying in the Scanner: Covert Countermeasures Disrupt Deception Detection By Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Giorgio Ganis, J. Peter Rosenfeld, John B. Meixner Jr., Rogier Kievit, and Haline Schendan
Asymmetrical Jurisdiction, Matthew I. Hall
Class Matters, Erica J. Hashimoto
Can You Really Keep Your Health Care Plan? The Limits of Grandfathering under the Affordable Care Act, Elizabeth Weeks Leonard
Resolving Interstate Conflicts Over Same-Sex Non-Marriage, Hillel Y. Levin
Bilski v. Kappos: Everything Old is New Again, Joe Miller
Substance, Procedure, and the Divided Patent Power, Joseph S. Miller
Joint Defense or Research Joint Venture? Reassessing the Patent-Challenge-Bloc's Antitrust Status, Joseph S. Miller
Ethical Issues in Business and the Lawyer's Role, Carol Morgan, Robert Rhee, Tamar Frankel, and Mark Fagan
The Diminishing Returns of Incentive Pay in Executive Compensation Contracts, Gregg D. Polsky and Andrew Lund
May it Please the Senate: An Empirical Analysis of the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings of Supreme Court Nominees, 1939-2009, Lori A. Ringhand and Paul M. Collins Jr.
Corporate Governance in an Age of Separation of Ownership from Ownership, Usha Rodrigues
Entity and Identity, Usha Rodrigues
Values as Part of the Clinical Experience, Jaime Baker Roskie