"Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities July 2008"

Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities July 2008



Ronald L. Carlson was quoted in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding barring reporters from the courtroom in the Brian Nichols' case until a jury is selected.

In its opinion in Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker, the U.S. Supreme Court cited an article by Professor Thomas A. Eaton ("The Effects of Seeking Punitive Damages on the Processing of Tort Claims," 34 J. Legal Stud. 343 (2005) (with D. Mustard and S. Talarico)).

Peter A. Appel, Kyoto Comes to Georgia: How International Environmental Initiatives Foster Sustainable Commerce in Small Town America, 36 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 559 (2008) (with T.R. Irvin, J. McEntire and J.C. Rabon)

Rebecca Hanner White, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination, 7th ed. (Aspen Publishers, 2008) (with M. Zimmer and C. Sullivan)

Michael L. Wells, Race-conscious Student Assignment Plans after Parents Involved: Bringing State Action Principles to Bear on the De Jure/De Facto Distinction, 112 Penn State Law Review 1023 (2008) (symposium issue)

Peter A. Appel, Changing Intellectual Property and Corporate Legal Structures to Promote the U.S. Environmental Management and Technology Systems Industry, 35 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 397 (2008) (with T.R. Irvin)

Camilla E. Watson, speaker, "Lessons from the Tax Shelter Wars," Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, July, 2008

Michael L. Wells was quoted in the Savannah Morning News regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to prevent outright bans on gun ownership.

Milner S. Ball, Book review of Reflections on Constitutional Law by George Anastaplo, 57 Journal of Legal Education 615 (2007)

Walter Hellerstein, Recent Developments in U.S. Subnational State Taxation with International Implications, 61 Bulletin for International Taxation 77 (2008)

Daniel M. Bodansky, "The Concept of Legitimacy in International Law" in Legitimacy in International Law (R. Wolfrum and V. Roben, eds.) (Springer, 2008)

R. Perry Sentell Jr. was recently recognized for the completion of more than 50 years of service as a member of the State Bar of Georgia.
