"Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities June 2008"

Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities June 2008



James F. Ponsoldt was quoted in the Athens Banner-Herald regarding the race for seats on the Clarke County Board of Education.

Ronald L. Carlson was quoted in The Florida Times-Union regarding the case of 76-year-old Betty Neumar of Augusta who was arrested last month and charged with allegedly asking a hit man to kill her husband in 1986.

Walter Hellerstein was quoted in The Wall Street Journal regarding a legal strategy that online retailers have used to avoid collecting sales tax in states where they have warehouses or distribution centers.

James C. Smith, Property: Cases and Materials, 2nd ed. (Aspen Publishers, 2008) (with Larson, Nagle and Kidwell)

Erica J. Hashimoto was recently interviewed on National Public Radio regarding her article "Defending the Right of Self-Representation: An Empirical Look at the Pro Se Felony Defendant" being cited in an opinion handed down on June 19 where Justice Stephen G. Breyer quoted her research in the U.S. Supreme Court case Indiana v. Edwards.

Walter Hellerstein, "Lessons of US Subnational Experience for EU CCCTB Initiative" in A Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base for Europe (Eine einheitliche Körperschaftsteuerbemessungs-grundlage für Europa) (W. Schön & U. Schreiber, eds.) (Max Planck Institute, 2008)

Ronald L. Carlson, Objections at Trial, 5th ed. (National Institute for Trial Advocacy, 2008) (with M. Bright and E. Imwinkelried)

David A. Brennen was quoted in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding the legal requirements of charities in reference to New York Giants defensive end Osi Umenyiora's organization, Strike 4 a Cure.

Margaret V. Sachs, presenter, "Arena for Mischief: Certification Appeals in Securities Class Actions", Law and Society Association Annual Meeting held in Montreal, June, 2008

Paul J. Heald, Property Rights and the Efficient Exploitation of Copyrighted Works: An Empirical Analysis of Public Domain and Copyrighted Fiction Bestsellers, 92 Minnesota Law Review 1031 (2008)

In its opinion in Nguyen v. State, the Supreme Court of Georgia cited an article by Professor Donald E. Wilkes Jr. ("The Writ of Habeas Corpus in Georgia," 12 Georgia Bar Journal 20 (Feb. 2007)).

James C. Smith, The Glannon Guide to Property (Aspen Publishers, 2008)

Paul J. Heald, speaker, on patent theory, Patent Law in Perspective Symposium, June, 2008
